Crazy Puppies

December 7, 2010 § 2 Comments

Well we’ve been talking about animal behaviors a bit in class and whether or not some of the behaviors of the penguins in March of the Penguins had their feelings and actions “pasted” onto them by Morgan Freeman.  Since we are discussing animal behaviors, I think its about time I talked about my puppies.

Well first off, they are the two cutest fuzzballs that could you could hope to have follow you around and jump on your face when you get home.  I can tell you however, it may be their cuteness that saves them from the majority of my and my mom’s, and my sister’s wrath every morning on our way to school.  Everything is fine and dandy until little Tazzy spies a biker, or a jogger, or walker, or occasionally a car, (which happens all too often since we are on the ROAD), and the car is filled with a sharp, constant and piercing bark.

Why this is the reaction of my cute little puppy, to turn into a savage fiesty, bitey, beasty beast, where if you try to touch him, he will turn on you in a second, is beyond me.  One second he is lying down all adorable like, and the next your finger is hurt and your in a heap of pain.  It has been said that dogs bark at strange things as part of a guard dog reaction, and I think that I have seen this myself whenever a raccoon ventures near the house and the peace and quiet is brutally interrupted, but I don’t know if the same concept applies in the car.  Is he trying to protect us? I don’t know, if so, then why would he be so willing to bite us when we try to move him?  Maybe he is just trying to protect himself?  I don’t know, but whatever it is, he is very loud about it.

One other thing I want to talk about, is my dogs’ jealousy.  I don’t know whether there really is jealousy between my two dogs, but it sure seems that way.  If I am petting Pooky, it won’t be long before Tazzy is running over.  If you try to give one of them a treat for doing something right, then it is nearly impossible to not give the other one something when they look over longingly at the treat.  They sure play off each other though.  In the morning, whenever Tazzy starts barking it won’t be long before little Pooky is joining in.

I don’t know if I am projecting emotions onto my dogs like we argued in class the other day, but they are still so adorable in whatever they do, even if their barking is a bit loud.


§ 2 Responses to Crazy Puppies

  • Flamingo says:

    This post is interesting because it directly relates to my essay topic. I am writing about how there are different levels of emotions that can be placed on different animals. For me dogs can have the most emotions. I have four dogs and i think they all have different personalities and feelings. Do they actually? Or am i just interpreting their actions in some way? I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer, all we do is make a guess.

  • […] have two puppies and wrote about them here, but I like this picture too.  The one on the left is just cute for itself, and the one on the […]

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